Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Glossary - religious and spiritual words

Glossary of Religious and Spiritual words

ABHANGA: A devotional poetic composition.­
ABHASA: Reflection.
ABHAYAM: Fearless.
ABHIMANA: Egoism, identification with the body.
ABHYASA: Spiritual practice.
ACHARYA: Teacher; Preceptor, a spiritual master who teaches by example.
ACHYUTA: Immutable-Lord Vishnu.
ADESA: Command.
ADHIBHAUTIKA - miseries caused by conflict with other living entities.
ADHIDAIVIKA - miseries caused by the forces of nature.
ADHIKARI: A qualified person, Fit aspirant (Uttama: Good, Madhyama: medium, Adhama: inferior)
ADHISHTHANA: Substratum, support.
ADHYASA: Mutual identification or superimposition.
ADHYASA: Superimposition or false attribution of properties of one thing on another thing.
ADHYATMIC: Spiritual.
ADHYATMIKA - miseries caused by one’s own mind and body.
ADRISYA: Unperceived by the eye.
ADVAITA: Non-dual; Non-duality.
ADVAITA ACHARYA: an incarnation of the Lord, who appeared as a principal associate of another incarnation.
AGANDHA: Without smell.
AGASTYA MUNI: Name of a sage.
AGNI: Fire.
AGRAHYA: Unknowable.
AHAM BRAHMA ASMI: ‘I am Brahman.'
AHAM: ‘I' or ego.
AHAMGRAHA: A kind of meditation in which the aspirant identifies himself with Brahman.
AHAMKARA: Ego; Pure Ego.
AHIMSA: Non-injury in thought, Non-violence, word and deed. Click here for a more detailed explanation.
AISVARYA: Divine attributes like wisdom, renunciation, power, etc.
AISVARYA: Material or spiritual wealth
AITAREYA: Name of an Upanishad.
AJAPA: Repetition of "Soham" Mantra.
AJARAM: Without old age.
AJNA: Chakra: Cavernous plexus
AJNA: Spiritual centre between the two eyebrows.
AJNANA: Ignorance.
AKASA: Ether, space, sky
AKATHA: (a, ka, and tha) that about which something cannot be said comprehensively
AKHANDA: Indivisible.
AKHOW: Name of a sage.
AKRURA: an uncle of Lord Krishna
ALABDHABHUMIKATVA: The feeling that it is impossible to see reality.
ALAMBANA: Support.
ALASYA: Lethargy, inertia, Laziness.
ALPA: Little; Small.
AMALAKA: The Indian gooseberry.
AMANA: Mindless; Thoughtless.
AMARA-PURUSHA: Immortal being.
AMATRA: Having no measure; Transcendental.
AMRITAM: Immortal.
AMRITATVA: Immortality.
ANADI: Beginningless.
ANAHATA CHAKRA: One of the Yogic centres (heart).
ANAHATA CHAKRA-Cardiac plexus, lotus of the heart.
ANAHATA SOUND-Mystical inner sound.
ANAHATA: Mystic sound heard by Yogis.
ANANDA: Bliss, happiness, joy.
ANANDA-GHANA: Cloud of bliss.
ANANDAGHANA: Mass of Bliss.
ANANDAGIRI: a prominent follower of SANKARACHARYA
ANANDAMAYA: Full of great happiness.
ANANDA-SVARUPA: Of the form of bliss.
ANANTA: Endless.
ANANTAM: Infinity.
ANANTANAG: Name of a place.
ANARTHA: Evil; Wrong; Calamity.
ANATMA: Not-Self.
ANGA: Subordinate step, A limb, A part.
ANGA-Limb, step.
ANIMA: Subtlety, reducing body in size
ANTAHKARANA: Internal instrument such as mind, intellect,  ego and the subconscious mind.
ANTAHKARANA-The fourfold internal organs, Manas, Buddhi, Chitta and Ahamkara.
ANTARANGA: Internal.
ANTARJYOTIS: Inner light.
ANTARMUKHA: Introspective; Gaze turned inwards.
ANTARYAMIN: Inner ruler, Inner witness.
ANUBHAVA: Experience.
APANA VAYU: Down-going breath; The nerve-current which governs abdominal region and does excretory function.
APANA: Vital energy functioning in excretion
APAROKSHA: Immediate.
APAS: Water
APRANA: Without Prana (life-breath).
APTA: Realized.
APTA-KAMA: One whose desires have been fulfilled; a realised sage.
ARAMBHA: A state reached in Pranayama
ARANI: A sacrificial wood.
ARCHANA: Offering of flowers etc., at the time of worship.
ARHATA: A perfected Soul.
ARJAVA: Straightforwardness.
ARJUNA: Name of a great devotee of Krishna, who was taught the Gita; one of the Pandava brothers. Lord Krishna became his chariot driver during the battle of KURUKSHETRA and spoke to him the BHAGAVAD-GITA.
ARTHA: Wealth.
ARUDHA: Ascended; in a state of culmination; established.
ARUNDHATI: Name of a star.
ARUPA: Formless.
ASABDA: Soundless.
ASAMPRAJNATA: Highest superconscious state where the mind is completely annihilated and Reality experienced.
ASANA JAYA: Mastery over Asana.
ASANA: A bodily pose or posture.
ASANGOHAM: ‘I am unassociated'; a formula for meditation.
ASHRAM: A hermitage; monastery.
ASHRAMAS: the four VEDIC developmental divisions of the human life-cycle which are meant to elevate one to spiritual perfection; these begin with brahmacharya (celibacy and study), proceed to grhastha (married life), and vanaprashta (retirement), and culminate in sannyasa (complete renunciation of family life and material obligations). See also VARNASRAMA-DHARMA.
ASHTANGA: Eight limbs (of Patanjali's Raja Yoga)
ASHTANGA-YOGA: the eight step process of meditation, beginning with sitting postures and breath-control, and culminating with realization of the Lord’s form within one’s heart.
ASMITA: Pure ego; self-consciousness.
ASPARSA: Touchless.
ASTIKA: Believer of God or the Vedas
ASURA: Demon, evil tendency in man
ASURA: Demon.
ASURI: Devilish
ASURIC: Demoniacal.
ASUYA: Jealousy.
ASVATTHA: The sacred peepal tree.
ASVATTHAMA- the nefarious son of the great military teacher DRONA who murdered the children of the PANDAVA brothers.
ASVINI MUDRA: A kind of Hatha Yoga practice.
ATHARVANA: Name of a Veda; name of a sage.
ATINDRIYA: Beyond the reach of the senses.
ATMADROHA: Enmity with the Self.
ATMAHANA: Killer of the Self.
ATMA-JNANA: Knowledge of the Self.
ATMAN: Divine soul in man, the Supreme Self
ATMAN: The Self.
ATMA-SVARUP: The essential nature of the Self.
ATMIC-TRIVENI: The Soul compared to Triveni (Triveni is a sacred confluence of three rivers).
ATRI: Name of a sage.
AUM: Sacred monosyllable; symbol of Brahman.
AUROBINDO: Name of the famous sage of Pondicherry.
AVADHANA: Attention.
AVADHANI: Attentive, concentrated
AVADHUTA GITA: A book containing  the teachings of sage Dattatreya.
AVADHUTA: A naked sage.
AVARANA: Veil of ignorance.
AVATARA: Incarnation of God, a “descent”, or appearance on earth of the Supreme Lord or His representative.
AVIDYA: Ignorance.
AVIRATI: Non-dispassion; sensual indulgence.
AVYAKTA: Unmanifest-three Gunas (qualities born of nature) in a state of equilibrium.
AVYAYA: Inexhaustible.
AYURVEDA: The ancient Indian science of medicine.
BADARAYANA: Name of the author of the Brahma-Sutras, also see VYASADEVA.
BAHIRANGA: External.
BAHIRMUKHA: Outgoing; inclined towards outward consciousness.
BALA KRISHNA: Child Krishna.
BALA: Strength.
BALI: Name of a demon king who attained wisdom.
BANDHA: A kind of Hatha Yoga practice, A lock in Yogic posture
BANDHA: BANDHU: Relative, one connected by relation
BENARES: A holy pilgrimage centre of Hindus, now called Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh, India.
BHAGA-TYAGA: A logical method adopted to establish the identity of Jiva (soul) and Isvara (God) by partly abandoning their surface attributes.
BHAGAVAD-GITA: A scripture containing Lord Krishna's teachings, the paramount scripture of the Vedic tradition, embodying the teachings of Lord Krishna to His devotee ARJUNA and expounding devotion to the Supreme Lord as both the principal means and the ultimate end of spiritual perfection.
BHAGAVAN: the Supreme Lord, who is the ultimate possessor of all varieties of opulences.
BHAGAVATA: Name of a Purana (sacred work dealing with the doctrines of creation, etc.)
BHAJAN: Devotional song.
BHAKRI: Circular thick flat bread eaten mostly by the rural folk.
BHAKTA: Devotee of God, a devotee of the Supreme Lord.
BHAKTI: Devotion, the practice of devotional service to the Supreme Lord.
BHAKTI-RASAMRTA-SINDU: RUPA GOSVAMI’s definitive explanation of devotional service to the Supreme Lord, beginning with the most elementary practices and ending with the ultimate perfection of personal relationships with the Lord.
BHAKTISIDDHANTA SARASVATI: (1874-1936) the spiritual master of His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
BHAKTIVEDANTA: a title meaning “one who has realized that devotional service to the Supreme Lord is the end of all knowledge”.
BHAKTIVINODA THAKURA: (1838-1915) a VAISHNAVA spiritual master, father of BHAKTISIDDHANTA SARASVATI, who started the movement to spread Krishna consciousness in the West.
BHANJANA: Breaking.
BHARATA: a name of ARJUNA meaning “descedant of Bharata”.
BHARATA MAHARAJA: a great devotee king under whose rule India was named BHARATA-VARSHA
BHARATAVARSHA: the traditional, scriptural name for India.
BHARTRIHARI: Name of a sage.
BHASTRIKA: Bellows (a kind of Pranayama)
BHATI: To shine
BHAVA SAMADHI: Superconscious state attained by intense divine emotions.
BHAVA(NA): Feeling; mental attitude.
BHAVA: (Devotional) attitude
BHAYANAKA-SABDA: A fear inducing sound.
BHEDA: Difference, splitting
BHEDANA: Piercing.
BHIMA: Name of a Pandava (Arjuna's brother).
BHISHMA: the most powerful warrior in the Battle of KURUKSHETRA; he is recognized as one of the chief authorities on devotional service to the Lord.
BHOGI: Enjoyer.
BHRANTI-DARSANA: Mistaken notion.
BHRUKUTI-The space between the eyebrows.
BHRUMADHYA DRISHTI-Gazing at the Bhrukuti.
BHRUMADHYA: Between the two eyebrows.
BHUJANGASANA: Cobra pose of Hatha Yoga.
BHUMA: The Unconditioned, the Great Infinite, Brahman, Unconditioned Bliss.
BHUTA-LOKA: The world of elements.
BHUTA-SIDDHI: A psychic power by which mastery is gained over the elements.
BIJA: Seed, source
BIJAKSHARA: Seed: letter containing latent power of Mantra
BIMBA: A kind of fruit.
BINDU: Point which denotes ‘n' or ‘m' vowel sounds in Sanskrit.
BODHISATTVA: A being who, having developed the Awakening Mind (a mind infused with the aspiration to attain the state of Buddhahood), devotes his life to the task of achieving Buddhahood for the sake of all sentient beings.
BRAHMA: Creator, the first created living being in the universe; he creates the multiplicity of life-forms, planets, and living conditions under the supervision of the Supreme Lord, the Supreme and All-Sustaining Essence - in other words, Truth, Consciousness, Everlasting Bliss.
BRAHMACHARI: Celibate, student of scriptures, also see ASRAMAS
BRAHMACHARYA: Practice of celibacy. Purity in thought, word and deed. BRAHMACHARYA:Celibacy.
BRAHMA-CHINTANA: Constant meditation on Brahman.
BRAHMA-JNANA: Direct Knowledge of Brahman.
BRAHMAJYOTI: the bodily effulgence of the Supreme Lord.
BRAHMAKARA VRITTI: The sole ultimate thought of Brahman to the exclusion of all other thoughts.
BRAHMA-LOKA: The world of Brahma.
BRAHMAMUHURTA: Period from 4 a.m. to 6 a.m.
BRAHMAN: Absolute, the impersonal,all-pervasive aspect of the Supreme Lord.
BRAHMAN: The Absolute Reality; God.
BRAHMANDA: Macrocosm, Brahma's egg
BRAHMA-NISHTHA: One who is established in the Knowledge of Brahman.
BRAHMARANDHRA: Head fontanelle at the top of head
BRAHMANA-SAMHITA: a description of the glories of the Lord, including prayers to the Lord by BRAHMA.
BRAHMASAMSTHA: Grounded in Brahman.
BRAHMA-SROTRI: One who has knowledge of the Vedas and the Upanishads.
BRAHMA-SUTRAS: Classical Vedantic scripture.
BRAHMA-TEJAS: Spiritual halo.
BRAHMAVARCHAS: Magnetic Brahmic aura.
BRAHMAVID: A knower of Brahman.
BRAHMA-VIDYA: The science of Brahman, knowledge of Brahman, learning pertaining to Brahman or the Absolute Reality. Click here for an essay on Brahma Vidya.
BRIHADARANYAKA: Name of an Upanishad.
BUDDHA: Name of Siddhartha Gautama after he attained illumination; the Founder of Buddhism, a disguised incarnation of the Supreme Lord who preached atheism in order to divert the people of that time from misusing the ritualistic sacrifices of the VEDAS as a license for animal slaughter.
BUDDHA: One who is totally purified from all defilements and who has realized all that can be known.
BUDDHI: Intellect.
BUTI: Herb.
CHAITANYA: Pure Consciousness.
CHAITANYA-CHARITAMRUTA: Krishnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami’s presentation of the life and philosophy of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
CHAITANYA MAHAPRABHU: one of the Guru’s, who descended to teach love of God through the process of congregational chanting of the holy names of the Lord.
CHAITYA-GURU: the Supreme Lord, advising an advanced devotee from within the heart.
CHAKRA: Spinning wheel.
CHAKRA: Wheel, plexus
CHAKRAS: Centres of energy in the human system.
CHAMARAS: Hand fan used as whisks for flies.
CHANCHALA: Unsteady; fickle.
CHANDIPATHA: Hymns in the praise of Goddess Chandi.
CHANDOGYA: Name of an Upanishad.
CHANURA: a power wrestler and a servant of the demoniac KAMSA; Lord Krishna as a young boy killed him.
CHARANAMRITA: Nectar of the feet; water sanctified by the feet of a holy man.
CHARU: Boiled milk and rice
CHARVAKA: an atheistic philosopher whose motto was “Beg, borrow, or steal, but somehow or other enjoy material life.
CHELA: Disciple.
CHESHMASHAI: Name of a place in India.
CHHANDOGYA: Name of an Upanishad.
CHIDAKASA: The ether of Pure Consciouseness; Unbounded Intelligence; Brahman.
CHINI-CHINI: Sound of tinklets.
CHINMATRA: Consciousness alone.
CHINTA: Sorrow; worry.
CHINTAMANI: Wish-yielding gem.
CHINTANA: Thinking; reflecting.
CHIRANJIVI: One who has gained eternal life.
CHIT: Consciousness
CHITTA: Mind-stuff; subconscious mind.
DAIVI SAMPAT-Divine qualities.
DAIVI: Divine
DAIVIC: Divine.
DAMA: Control of outer senses
DAMA: Control of senses.
DAMARU: A sort of small drum in the hand of Lord Siva, sort of tabor shaped like an hour-glass.
DARIDRA-NARAYANA: the misconception that since the Supreme Lord is in everyone's heart, any man can be accepted as God, and thus worship of the poor is the same as worship of the Lord.
DARJEELING: Name of a place in Bengal, India.
DARSHAN (DARSANA): Vision, Divine vision.
DATTATREYA: An ancient sage.
DATTA AVADHUTHA: Brahmin Avatar of Datta who did not believe in caste and creed.
DAYA: Mercy.
DEHA ADHYASA-Attachment to the body.
DEHA: Body.
DEVA(TA): Deity
DEVAKI: the wife of VASUDEVA and mother of Lord Krishna
DEVAS: Celestial beings.
DEVAS: Gods.
DEVI: Goddess. Also see DURGA
DHAIRYA: Heroism, valour
DHANURASANA: Bow pose of Hatha Yoga.
DHARMA: Duty, virtue, righteous way of living, the eternal function of the living entity.
DHARMA: Righteous way of living as enjoined by the sacred scriptures, virtue.
DHARMAS: Characteristics.
DHRITI: Firmness; (spiritual) patience.
DHRITARASHTRA: the father who collaborated with his sons to cheat the PANDAVA brothers of their kingdom and fight against them in the Battle of KURUKSHETRA
DHVANI: Sound.
DHYANA: Deep meditation
DHYANABINDU UPANISHAD: Name of an Upanishad.
DHYATA: Meditator.
DHYEYA: Object of meditation.
DIG-VIJAYA: Conquest of the quarters (world) either military or cultural.
DINACHARYA: Daily activity.
DIRGHA: Prolonged.
DIVYA: Divine.
DIVYA-DRISHTI: Divine perception.
DRIK: Seer.
DRISHTI: Seeing.
DRONA, DRONACHARYA: Teacher of the Pandavas and Kauravas, the military teacher of the PANDAVA brothers who was obliged to fight against them in the Battle of KURUKSHETRA.
DURBAR: Court of a king.
DURGA: the personified material energy of the Lord, and the wife of the demigod SHIVA. 
DURYODHANA: the son of DHRITARASHTRA who led the fight against the PANDAVA brothers in the Battle of KURUKSHETRA.
DVAITA: Dualism.
DVARAKA: Name of a place in India.
DVESHA: Repulsion; hatred; dislike.
EKA: One.
EKADASI: Eleventh day of the Hindu lunar fortnight.
EKAGRA: One-pointed.
EKAGRATA: One-pointedness of mind.
EKAGRATA-One-pointedness of mind, concentration.
EKANATH: Name of a saint.
EKARASA: Homogeneous.
EKARUPA: Uniform.
FAKIRS: Muslim and Sufi saints.
FOUR-FOLD LIBERATION: Resemblance to God, nearness to God, residing with the Deity ad absorption into the Essence of Brahman.
GADA: Mace.
GADADHARA PANDITA: A principal associate of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
GANDHA: Fragrance.
GANDHA: Smell.
GANDHARVA: Being of the psychic plane.
GANESA: Name of the deity of the remover of obstacles; first-worshipped god, the demi-god in charge of material wealth.
GANGA: River Ganges, India's most sacred river.
GARGAMUNI: the family priest of the Yadava dynasty, the dynasty Lord Krishna chose to incarnate in.
GARUDA: A bird.
GARUDA PARA: Eagle-shaped platform found in Vaishnava temples
GAUDIYA MATHA (Gaudiya Mission): the Krishna consciousness association of temples and preaching institutions in India established by Srila BHAKTISIDDHANTA SARASVATI in the early part of the twentieth century.
GAYATRI: A very sacred Mantra in the Vedas
GAYATRI: One of the most sacred Vedic Mantras; goddess.
GHANA: Mass.
GHATA: A state reached in Pranayama
GHEE: Clarified butter.
GHRINA: Hatred.
GITA: Renowned sacred text "Bhagavad-Gita."
GOLOKA: the supreme planet in the spiritual world, VAIKUNTHA
GOPALA BHATTA GOSVAMI: one of the six VAISHNAVA spiritual masters who directly followed Lord CHAITANYA MAHAPRABHU and systematically presented His teachings.
GOPIS: Girl devotees of Lord Krishna, the cowherd girl friends of Lord KRISHNA in VRINDAVANA, who are His most surrendered and confidential devotees.
GOVINDA: a name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead meaning "one who gives pleasure to the land, the cows, and the senses".
GRANTHI: Knot (of nerves or psychic energy)
GRIHASTHA: Householder, also see ASRAMAS.
GUDA: Anus.
GUHA: Cave.
GUJARAT: Name of a state in India.
GULKAND: A confection of roses.
GULMA-Chronic gastritis.
GUNA: Quality born of nature.
GUNATITA: Beyond the Gunas (quality of nature).
GURU: Teacher; preceptor, a spiritual master, or ACARYA, who only speaks and acts in accordance with the scriptures.
GURU-KULA: a school of Vedic learning; children begin at the age of five and live as celibate students, guided by a spiritual master.
HAMSA: Swan, Divine Self
HAMSA (HANSA): Hamsa or having discretion which can give one the ability to separate water from milk - the ability which the fabled swan is supposed to have - that is to know to choose wisely between the pairs of opposites of life - truth and untruth, right and wrong.
HANUMAN: A monkey devotee of Lord Rama.
HARI: Lord Vishnu, a name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead meaning "He who removes all obstacles to spiritual progress".
HARIDASA THAKURA: a great devotee of Lord CHAITANYA MAHAPRABHU famous for chanting three hundred thousand names of God every day.
HARIHAR: demigods Mahavishnu and Sadashiv
HARIJANS: The untouchable class.
HARI-VAMSA: a supplement to the MAHABHARATA.
HARSHA: Exhileration; joy.
HATHA YOGI: One who practises Hatha Yoga or one who is adept in it.
HAVAN: Sacred oblations.
HIRANYAGARBHA: Cosmic intelligence; the supreme lord of the universe; cosmic mind.
HRIDAYA GRANTHI-Heart-knot of ignorance.
HUMOURS-Wind, bile and phlegm.
IDA: Psychic nerve: current flowing through the left nostril lunar
IDAM: This.
INDRA: The Lord of gods; the ruler of heaven, the king of the heavenly planets and chief of the administrative demigods.
INDRIYA: Sense of perception whether physical (Karma Indriya) or internal current (Jnana Indriya)
INNER SELF: The temple fo the heart
IRSHYA: Jealousy.
ISA: Name of an Upanishad.
ISHTA MANTRA: The Mantra of the chosen or tutelary deity.
ISHTA: Object of desire, chosen ideal
ISHTA-DEVATA: Chosen or tutelary deity.
ISHVARA: Lord; God.
JADA: Inert; insentient.
JADA: Insentient.
JAGAD-GURU: "spiritual master of the universe".
JAGAI: Name of a saint.
JAGANNATHA, BALADEVA, and SUBHADRA: the Deity of http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=8944745095939248087#editor/target=post;postID=1153479143114345693Lord Krishna as Jagannatha ("Lord of the Universe"), together with His brother, Baladeva, and sister, Subhadra. 
JAGANNATHA PURI (Jagannatha-dhama): a city on the coast of Orissa, a province in eastern India; the holy city of the temple and Deity of Lord JAGANNATHA.
JAGAT: World.
JAGRAT: Waking state.
JANAKA: Name of a royal sage.
JANI: Servant at NAMDEV's house.  She was dedicated to Pandurang (JANABAI)
JANMASHTAMI: Lord Krishna's birthday.
JAPA-Repetition of Mantra or God's name.
JAPA MALA: Prayer beads, rosary
JATA: Matted hair.
JATHARAGNI-Digestive fire.
JAYADRATHA: a chief enemy of the PANDAVAS in the Battle of KURUKSHETRA.
JIVA: Individual Soul, the individual living entity, who is an eternal minute part of the Supreme Lord.
JIVA GOSVAMI: one of the six VAISHNAVA spiritual masters who directly followed Lord CHAITANYA MAHAPRABHU and systematically presented His teachings.
JIVANMUKTA: One who is liberated in this life.
JIVANMUKTI: Liberation in this life.
JIVANMUKTI: Liberation while still in body, the state of Jnana or Knowledge, Wisdom of Brahman
JIVATMAN: Individual soul
JHOLI: Bag for alms hanging from the shoulder
JNANA: Knowledge; wisdom.
JNANADEVA: Name of a Maharashtra saint.
JNANA-INDRIYAS: Organs of knowledge or perception.
JNANAMUDRA: Symbol of wisdom shown in hands.
JNANI: (Pronounced Nyani) A wise person, one who tries to reach the Supreme Absolute by cultivation of empirical, speculative knowledge.
JNANIS: The wise.
KABIR: Name of a saint.
KAILASA: Mount Kailasa.
KAIVALYA: Emancipation; state of absolute independence.
KALA: Ray, part, aspect
KALI YUGA: Age of Kali-the dark evil present age, the current VEDIC historical age (fourth and last in a cycle of four progressively degenerating ages) characterized by a progressive decline in spiritual knowledge and consequently, the degeneration of human civilization.
KALPAS: Medicines intended for longevity and health.
KALPA-TARU: a "desire tree," which grows in the spiritual world and can immediately yield any fruit desirable.
KALYANA: Auspicious.
KAMA: Lust; desire, material desire.
KAMALASANA: Lotus pose.
KAMANDALU: A vessel carried by Hindu monks for keeping water.
KAMSA (KANSA): a demoniac king who, after instigating many fruitless attempts to kill KRISHNA, was himself killed by KRISHNA.
KAPILA MUNI: Founder of Sankhya system of philosophy.
KARANA: Causal.
KARMA: Action (Sanchita: accumulated; Prarabdha: to be worked out in this life; Agami: being freshly formed)
KARMA: Actions operating through the law of cause and effect. activity in the material world, which always entangles one in some reaction, whether good or bad.
KARMA-INDRIYAS: Organs of action - tongue, hands, feet, genital organ and anus.
KARMA-KANDA: rituals recommended in the VEDAS for those interested in material benefits.
KARMA-KANDI: One who observes strictly the duties ordained in the scriptures.
KARMASRAYA: Receptacle of actions.
KARMI: a person who is trying to enjoy the results of his material activities.
KARNA: the eldest brother of the PANDAVAS who fought against them in the Battle of KURUKSHETRA.
KARUNA: Compassion
KARYA: Effect.
KASHAYA: Hidden desires.
KASHMIR: Name of a state in India.
KASHTHA MAUNA: Observing silence in which thoughts are  not communicated to others even in writing or by signs.
KATHA: Name of an Upanishad.
KAUPIN: Loincloth.
KAUSTUBHA: Name of a gem worn by Lord Vishnu on His breast.
KAVYAS: Poems.
KAYAKALPA: Medical treatment for increasing longevity.
KESAVA KASMIRI: a famous scholar defeated in a poetry competition by Lord CHAITANYA MAHAPRABHU. 
KEVALA ASTI: Pure existence alone.
KEVALA KUMBHAKA: Cessation of breath spontaneously
KEVALA: Alone.
KEVALOHAM: "I am Absolute."
KHADDAR; KHADI: Hand-woven cloth.
KHECHARI MUDRA: A kind of Hatha-Yogic practice.
KHECHARI MUDRA: Applying elongated tongue to the posterior palate in Hatha Yoga
KIRTAN, KIRTANA: Singing devotional songs, singing or speaking in glorification of the Supreme Lord, see also SANKIRTANA
KORAN: Holy scripture of the Muslims.
KOSA: A sheath enclosing the Soul.
KRIPA: a great warrior who fought against the PANDAVA brothers in the Battle of KURUKSHETRA.
KRISHNA: Incarnation of Lord Vishnu; teacher of the Gita, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, appearing in His original, two-armed form, which is the origin of all of the Lord's other forms and incarnations.
KRITA-KRITYA: One who has done everything; a liberated sage.
KRIYA: A type of exercise in Hatha Yoga.
KRIYA: Action
KRODHA: Anger.
KSHAMA: Forgiveness.
KSHETRA: Place where food is distributed to Sannyasins.
KSHIPTA: Wandering state of mind.
KULA KUNDALINI: The primordial cosmic energy located in the individual.
KUMBHAKA: Period between incoming and outgoing breath
KUMBHAKA-Retention of breath.
KUMBHAKARNA: Brother of the demon king Ravana -he used to sleep for six months.
KUNDA: A kind of jasmine flower.
KUNDALINI: Serpent: power coiled up at the Muladhara Chakra
KUNDALINI: The primordial cosmic energy located in the individual.
KURUKSHETRA: an ancient pilgrimage site near New Delhi where the Battle of KURUKSHETRA was fought and the BHAGAVAD-GITA was spoken.  see also DHRITARASHTRA and PANDAVAS.
KUTASTHA: Immutable; Brhaman.
KUNTI: the mother of the PANDAVAS and an aunt of Lord KRISHNA.
KUTIR: A small cottage; hut.
KUTIR: Living quarters (of a Sadhaka)
LAGHU SIDDHANTA KAUMUDI: A Sanskrit grammar text.
LAKSHANA: Definition.
LAKSHMANA: Brother of Lord Rama.
LAKSHMI - the goddess of fortune and the eternal consort of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, NARAYANA.
LAKSHYA: Goal; target; point of concentration.
LANGOTI-Loin Cloth.
LANKA: Ceylon.
LAYA: Merging; dissolution.
LEELA(S): divine graces
LILA: Play; sport. see LEELA
LINGA SARIRA: Subtle body
LINGA-SARIRA: The subtle body, the astral body.
LOBHA: Greed.
LOKASANGRAHA: Solidarity of the world.
LORD's PALACE: The temple
MADHAI: Name of a saint.
MADHYAMA: Pranayama with 32 Matras
MADHVACHARYA: a thirteenth-century VAISHNAVA spiritual master who preached the theistic philosophy of "pure dualism," which maintains that the Lord and the living entities are always distinct from one another.
MAHA: Great.
MAHABHARATA: A Hindu epic, VYASADEVA's epic history of ancient India, within which he included the BHAGAVAD-GITA.
MAHAJANAS: the chief authorities on the process of devotional service to the Lord.
MAHA-MANTRA: the great MANTRA, which includes the essence of all other mantras, meaning "O Lord, O Energy of the Lord, please engage me in Your service."
MAHANT: Great sage
MAHAPURUSHA: A great soul.
MAHARAJA: a title, See specific names.
MAHARISHI: Great sage
MAHASAMADHI: The departure of a Self-realized saint from his mortal coil.
MAHATMA: Great soul, devotee of God
MAHAVAKYAS: Great sentences of the Upanishads.
MAHIMA: Siddhi of making oneself huge
MAITRI: Friendship.
MAKARA KUNDALA: Earring of Lord Vishnu.
MALA: Impurities like lust, greed, anger, etc.
MAMATA: Mineness; attachment.
MANANA: Reflection.
MANDUKYA: An Upanishad.
MANIKARNIKA: A Ganga-bank in Kasi.
MANIPURA: A Yogic centre situated in the region of the navel.
MANMANAH: With mind fixed on Me (the Lord).
MANONASA: Destruction of mind.
MANORAJYA: Building castles in the air.
MANSOOR: Name of a Sufi sage.
MANTRA: Sacred syllable or word, or set of words through the repetition and reflection of which one attains perfection, a verse with special spiritual potency chanted or meditated upon to invoke spiritual understanding and realization.
MANU: A divine sage regarded as the father of the human race.
MANU-SAMHITA: the ancient VEDIC lawbook for human society. 
MARTYA-LOKA: "the world of death"; the planet earth.
MARUT (VAYU): the demigod in charge of the wind.
MATPARAH: Devoted to Me (the Lord).
MATRA: A second, time: measure
MATRAS: Units; syllables.
MATSARYA: Jealousy.
MATSYASANA: The fish-pose of Hatha Yoga.
MAUNA: Vow of silence.
MAYA: The illusive power of Brahman, the material energy, the illusory energy of the Lord that deludes the living entity into forgetfulness of his real, spiritual nature.
MAYAVADA: the monistic philosophy that there is no difference between God and the living entities.  see also SANKARACHARYA.
MERU DANDA-Spinal column.
MIECCHA: one who does not follow VEDIC culture.
MITAHARA: Moderate diet
MITAHARA: Moderate diet.
MITAHARA-Moderation in diet.
MITHYA: False.
MOHA: Infatuation.
MOHANIRAJ: Vishnu's Avatar which helped in destroying the demon Bhasmasur.  Also, it is the name of the composer of "Aise ye Ba - Sai Aarathi", one Mr. Mohaniraj the retired Mamlatdar of Nasik.
MOKSHA: Liberation, release
MOKSHA-Liberation, salvation.
MOUNA: Vow of silence.
MOUNI: One who observes silence.
MRIDANGA: A kind of drum, a clay drum used in musical glorification of the Lord.
MRIDU: Soft.
MUDHA: Dull and forgetful state of mind.
MUDITA: Cheerfulness.
MUDRA: Certain class of Hatha Yogic exercises.
MUDRA: Symbolic hand: position
MUKTA: Liberated.
MUKTI: Liberation, liberation from the cycle of repeated birth and death.
MUKTI-Final emancipation.
MULA BANDHA: A Hatha Yogic exercise.
MULA-AJNANA: Primal ignorance which contains all potentialities.
MULADHARA: Yogic centre situated in the base of the spine.
MUMUKSHU: One who aspires after moksha or liberation.
MUMUKSHUTVA: Aspiration for God-realisation.
MUMUKSHUTVA: Intense longing for liberation
MUNI: An ascetic.
MUNI: Saint.
MURTI: Idol.
MURTI: Image or picture.
MURTI-UPASANA: Worship of image.
MUSSOORIE: A hill-station in India.
NADA: Mystic sound.
NADI SUDDHI-Purification of Nadis.
NADI: Astral tube carrying Prana
NADI: Nerve; psychic current.
NADI-SUDDHI: Purification of the nerves.
NAIVEDYA: Offerings to the deity usually comprising milk, sugar, sweetmeats, fruits or cooked food.
NAKULA: A Pandava-younger brother of Arjuna.
NAMA-RUPA: Name and form.
NAMO: Salutation.
NANAK: Name of a saint whose last successor founded Sikhism.
NANDA MAHARAJA: the king of VRAJA and the foster-father of Lord KRISHNA.
NARADA-PANCHARATNA: Narada Muni's book containing instructions for practicing devotional service to the Lord.
NARAYANA: a name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead meaning,"one who is the source and the goal of all living beings".
NASIKAGRA DRISHTI-Gazing at the tip of the nose.
NASIKAGRA: The tip of the nose.
NAULI: A Hatha Yogic exercise.
NAULI: Abdominal churning exercise.
NAVADVIPA: a city in the Nadia province of West Bengal that is the birthplace of Lord CHAITANYA MAHAPRABHU.
NAVAVIDHA: Nine types. 
NECTAR OF DEVOTION: a summary study by His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada of the book BHAKTI-RASAMRTA-SINDHU by RUPA GOSVAMI.
NETI NETI: Not this, not this.
NEW VRINDAVAN: the first farm comunity of the International society for Krishna Consciousness, located in West Virginia.
NIDIDHYASANA: Profound and deep meditation.
NIDIDHYASANA-Profound meditation.
NIDRA: Sleep.
NIMAI PANDITA: the name of Lord CHAITANYA MAHAPRABHU during His pastimes as a young scholar.
NIRAKARA: Formless.
NIRBIJA: Seedless.
NIRDVANDVA: Beyond the pairs of opposites such as pleasure and pain.
NIRGUNA: Without attributes.
NIRGUNO-GUNI: Brahman who possesses transcendental qualities.
NIRODHA: Control or restraint.
NIRODHA: Restraint.
NIRUDDHA: Controlled.
NIRVANA: Liberation; final emancipation.
NIRVANA: Liberation; final emancipation.
NIRVICHARA SAMADHI: Superconscious state where there   is no mind or Triputi.
NIRVIKALPA: Without modification of the mind
NIRVIKALPA-SAMADHI: Superconscious state where there is no modification of the mind or Triputi.
NIRVISHAYA: Without object.
NISHKAMA KARMA-Action without any expectation of fruits.
NISHKAMA: Selfless, unselfish
NISHPATTI: Consummation, ratio
NISHTHA: Steadfastness.
NISSANKALPA: Free from thoughts and imaginations.
NITYA: Eternal.
NITYANANDA PRABHU: an incarnation of the Lord who appeared as the chief associate of another incarnation, Lord CHAITANYA MAHAPRABHU.
NITYA-SIDDHA: A liberated soul of marvellous powers who is ever present on the astral plane.
NIVRITTI MARGA: The path of renunciation.
NIVRITTI: Renunciation.
NIYAMA: The second step in Raja Yoga; observance - purity, contentment, austerities, etc.
NIYAMA-The second step of Raja Yoga, observance. Internal and external purification, contentment, austerity, study, worship of God, etc.
OJAS: Spiritual energy.
OJAS-SAKTI-Seminal energy.
OM (KARA): The sacred syllable symbolising Brahman.
OM: The sacred monosyllable which symbolizes Brahman.
OMKARA: the sacred sound OM, which is the beginning of many VEDIC MANTRAS, and which represents the Supreme Lord.
OORDHVARETA: A Yogi who has stored up the seminal energy in the brain after sublimating the same into spiritual energy.
OOTY: A hill-station in India.
PADA SEVANA: Service of the feet of the Lord.
PADAM ANAMAYA: Painless seat of Brahman.
PADMA: Lotus
PADMASANA: Lotus pose.
PALI: A language in which sacred books of Buddhism are found.
PANCHADASI: A book of Vedanta philosophy written by Swami Vidyaranya.
PANCHADHARANA: Five kinds of concentration of the five elements.
PANDAVAS: YUDHISTHIRA, Bhima, ARJUNA, Nakula, and Sahadeva; the five warrior-brothers who were intimate friends of Lord KRISHNA and who fought to regain their kingdom from the sons of DHRITARASHTRA in the Battle of KURUKSHETRA.
PANDITS: Men of wisdom.
PANDURANGA: VITHAL, incarnation of Vishnu, at Pandharpur.
PARA: Super, higher, (highest), Supreme.
PARA-BRAHMAN: Absolute, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is superior to His impersonal aspect of BRAHMAN.
PARAM DHAMA: Supreme abode.
PARAMAHAMSA: The highest class of Sannyasins
PARAMATMA: the form of the Supreme Lord who dwells in the heart of and accompanies every living entity as the living living entity transmigrates from body to body in the material world.
PARAMPARA: Succession.
PARASARA MUNI: the father of VYASADEVA and original narrator of the VISHNU PURANA.
PARAVAK: Transcendental sound; a mystic sound.
PARICHAYA: A state reached in Pranayama
PARIKSHIT MAHARAJA: a great VEDIC king and devotee of the Lord who heard SRIMAD-BHAGAVATAM from SUKADEVA GOSVAMI and thus attained perfection.
PARIPURNA: Full; perfect.
PARIVRAJAKA: Wandering monk.
PARVATI: Lord Siva's Consort.
PASU-SVABHAVA: Animal nature; bestial nature.
PASYANTI: The subtle state of sound.
PATANJALI: The author of Yoga-Sutras, the author of the original YOGA system.
PATIVRATA: A chaste woman devoted to her husband.
PAV: Quarter.
PINDANDA: Microcosm
PINGALA: A psychic nerve-current which terminates in the right nostril; it is heating in its effect (Solar nerve).
PITAMBARA: Yellow cloth.
PLIHA-Inflammation of the spleen.
PRAHLADA: Name of a demon devotee of Lord Hari, a devotee of the Lord who was persecuted by his demoniac father but protected and saved by the Lord.
PRAJNA: Intellect; Consciousness.
PRAJNANA: Consciousness.
PRAKASA: Light; luminosity; brightness.
PRAKASANANDA SARASVATI: an impersonalist SANNYASI who, after being defeated in scriptural argument by Lord CHAITANYA  MAHAPRABHU, became  a disciple along with his forty thousand followers.
PRAKRITI: Mother Nature, causal matter, the predominated energies of the Supreme Lord, of which there are two: the living entities, and material nature, or dead matter.  See PURUSHA.
PRALAYA: Dissolution of the cosmos
PRANA: Vital energy, life: breath, life: force
PRANAVA: The sacred syllable Om, see OMKARA.
PRANAVADIN: One who advocates the theory of Prana
PRANAYAMA: Breath: control
PRANAYAMA: Practice of breath-control.
PRAPTI-PRAPYAM: The experience that "I have obtained everything."
PRARABDHA: The portion of Karma (action) that determines one's present life.
PRASADA: Cheerfulness; tranquillity.
PRASADAM: food that is sanctified by being first offered to the Lord for His enjoyment.  See PRASADA.
PRASNA: An Upanishad.
PRASVASA: Expiration of Breath
PRATISHTHA: Reputation.
PRATYAHARA: Abstraction of senses; fifth step in Raja Yoga.
PRAVAHA: Continuity.
PRAVRITTI: Extrovert life.
PRAYAGA: A place of pilgrimage in India, a pilgrimage site near Allahabad, where the two holy rivers the GANGES and Yamuna flow together.
PREMA: Divine Love, Love of God that is free from any selfish motive.
PRERAKA: Prompter; inspirer.
PRITHVI: Element of earth with density and fragrance characteristic to it
PRUTHVI: Metre which has seventeen syllables in a line
PUJA: Worship; adoration.
PURAKA: Inhalation
PURANA: Hindu myths and legends.
PURANA: Sacred works dealing with the doctrines of creation, etc.
PURANAS: the eighteen texts expounding the teachings of the VEDAS through historical and allegorical narrations.  Also see PURANA.
PURNA-JNANI: A full-blown sage.
PURNA-YOGI: A full-blown yogi.
PURUSHA: The Supreme Being, the Supreme Lord as the supreme predominator of PRAKRITI.
PURUSHARTHA: Human effort.
PUTANA: a demoniac witch who wanted to kill Lord KRISHNA during His childhood pastimes, but who was killed by the Lord.
RADHA (RADHARANI): The name of a devotee who had transcendental   love for Lord Krishna, Lord KRISHNA's most intimate eternal consort, who is in the personalification of His spiritual pleasure potency.
RAGA: Attachment.
RAGA; RAGINI: A musical mode.
RAGHUNATHA BHATTA GOSVAMI and RAGHUNATHA DASA GOSVAMI: two of the six VAISHNAVA spiritual masters who  directly followed Sri CHAITANYA MAHAPRABHU and systematically presented His teachings.
RAJA YOGA: A system of Yoga generally taken to be the one propounded by Patanjali Maharshi, i.e., Ashtanga Yoga.
RAJA YOGI: One who practises Raja Yoga.
RAJA: King.
RAJAS: One of the three qualities of Prakriti which generates passion and restlessness, the material mode of passion, characterized by materialistic endeavor and desire for sense gratification.
RAJASUYA-YAJNA: A sacrifice performed by a monarch as a mark of his subduing all other kings.
RAJA-YOGA: A system of Yoga generally taken to be the one propounded by Patanjali Maharishi, i.e., Ashtanga Yoga. Click here for a discourse on Raja Yoga/Ashtanga Yoga.
RAJESVARI: God in the aspect of Mother of Universe.
RAKHUMABAI: RUKMINI, Consort of Panduranga
RAMA (CHANDRA): Lord Rama; incarnation of Lord Vishnu, a name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead meaning "the source of all pleasure".
RAMACHANDRA: an incarnation of the Lord who demonstrated the behavior of a perfect king.  see also RAMA.
RAMANANDA RAYA: a confidential associate of Lord CHAITANYA MAHAPRABHU.
RAMANUJACHARYA: an eleventh-century VAISHNAVA spiritual master who attacked SANKARACHARYA's philosophy of monism.
RAMAYANA: A holy narrative of Lord Rama.
RASA: Taste, the specific "taste" of a specific personal relationship with the Supreme Lord.
RASASVADA: Tasting the bliss of lower Samadhi.
RASAYANAS: A class of people who try to make the body strong and healthy by taking special medicines.
RATHA-YATRA: the annual festival of Lord JAGANNATHA, in which the Deity is carried on huge carts in a parade
RATNAKAR: Sage Valmiki in his early life as a dacoit.
RECHAKA: Exhalation of breath.
RIDDHIS: Nine varieties of extraordinary exaltation.
RIG VEDA: one of the four original VEDAS, containing hymnes to different demigods
RIK: Rig-Veda (one of the four Vedas).
RISHI: Sage.
RISHIKESH: A sacred place in the Himalayas.
RUDRAKSHA: A kind of berries, seeds of which are worn by religious sects as rosary.
RUPA: Form.
RUPA GOSVAMI: the chief of the six VAISHNAVA spiritual masters who directly followed Lord CHAITANYA MAHAPRABHU and systematically presented His teachings.
SABDA-BRAHMA: the VEDAS, which are considered purely spiritual sound vibration.
SABIJA: With seed; a Samadhi wherein the seed of Karmas (actions) is not destroyed.
SACCIDANANDA (Sachchidanand): perfect spiritual existence, which is eternal (sat), fully knowledgeable (cit), and completely happy (ananda). see BRAHMA
SADACHARA: Right conduct.
SADASIVA: The presiding Deity of the thousand petalled-lotus in the crown of the head.
SADHAKA-Aspirant, a practitioner.
SADHANA(S): Spiritual practice, Practices for obtaining purity and liberation
SADHU: Pious man; Sannyasin.
SAGARA: Ocean.
SAGUNA: With attributes.
SAHADEVA: A Pandava-brother of Arjuna.
SAHAJA: Natural, true, native
SAHASA: Tenacity; application.
SAHASRANAMA: The thousand Names of the Lord.
SAHASRARA: 1000 petalled lotus at the crown of head
SAHASRARA: A Yogic centre called thousand petalled-lotus in the crown of the head.
SAI SATCHARITRA: Holy book on Shirdi Saibaba
SAKARA: With form.
SAKSHATKARA: Direct realisation.
SAKSHI: Seer; witnessing principle.
SAKTI: Power; the feminine aspect of Divinity.
SAKTI-SANCHAR: Transference of power by a developed Yogi.
SALABHASANA: A Hatha Yogic exercise.
SALIGRAMA: A shell used for meditating upon Lord Vishnu.
SALYA: an uncle of the PANDAVA brothers who fought against them in the Battle of KURUKSHETRA.
SAMA GANA: Hymns of the Sama Veda.
SAMA: Serenity, Control of mind, tranquillity
SAMADHI: State of superconsciousness, where Absoluteness is experienced attended with all-knowledge and joy. Oneness, perfect absorption of mind in Yoga.
SAMADHI-Superconscious state, God-consciousness.
SAMARTH: powerful
SAMATA: Balanced state of mind.
SAMA VEDA: one of the four original VEDAS, containing sacrificial prayers and their melodic and metrical settings.
SAMBHAVI: A Yogic technique of concentration
SAMPAT: Quality,Wealth; virtues.
SAMPRAJNATA: Lower Samadhi with the triad of meditator, meditation and the meditated.
SAMSARA: Life through repeated births and deaths,  process of worldly life
SAMSARA: The process of worldly life.
SAMSKARA: Impression, prenatal tendency
SAMSKARAS: Impressions in the subconscious mind.
SAMSKARAS-Impressions of sense-objects.
SAMYAMA: Concentration, meditation and Samadhi practised at one and the same time.
SAMYAMA: Perfect restraint, an all-complete condition of balance and repose, concentration, meditation and Samadhi.
SAMYAVASTHA: State of equilibrium.
SANANDA: With bliss (a kind of Samadhi).
SANATANA GOSVAMI: one of the six VAISHNAVA spiritual masters who directly followed Sri CHAITANYA MAHAPRABHU and systematically presented His teachings.
SANCHARA: Movement.
SANCHITA: Accumulated action due to previous births.
SANDHI: Junction.
SANDHYA: Junction (of sunrise and sunset)
SANKALPA: Thought; imagination.
SANKARA: The well known teacher of Vedanta philosophy. Click here for a biography.
SANKARACHARYA: The well-known teacher of Vedanta philosophy, the famous and influntial ninth-century teacher of monism, a philosophy that maintains that there is no distinction between God and the living entity.
SANKHA NADA: Sound produced by conch.
SANKHYA: the branch of philosophy that deals with analysis of the elements of the material world.
SANKIRTAN: Singing of divine songs, congregational chanting of the holy names of God.
SANNYASA: Renunciation of social ties, 4th stage in Hindu life, see also ASRAMAS.
SANNYASINS: Those who have embraced the life of complete renunciation.
SANTA: Peaceful.
SANTI: Peace, quietness
SANTOSHA: Contentment.
SARASVATI: Goddess of speech.
SARIRIKA-BHASYA: the famous commentary on VEDANTA-SUTRA by SANKARACHARYA, in which he presents his philosophy of monism.
SARVABHAUMA BHATTACHARYA: a great scholar who philosophically defeated by Lord CHAITANYA MAHAPRABHU and who then surrendered to the Lord as a disciple.
SARVANGASANA: A Hatha Yogic exercise.
SARVA-VIT: Knower of all; a liberated sage.
SASTRA (S): Scripture, word of authority, authoritative scriptures. See also VEDIC LITERATURE.
SAT: Existence absolute.
SATAVADHANI: One who does 100 things at the same time
SATCHIDANANDA: Existence absolute(Sat), Knowledge absolute(Chid), Bliss absolute(Ananda).
SAT-CHIT-ANANDA: Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute.
SATSANG: Association with the wise.
SATTVA: Purity-one of the three qualities of nature.
SATYA YUGA: The age of predominating in piety and righteousness.
SATYA: Truth.
SATYA-YUGA: the Age of Truth, the first of the four Hindu time-cycles, a VEDIC historical age (first and best in a cycle of four progressively degenerating ages) characterized by a highly spiritually advanced human civilization.  See also KALI-YUGA.
SAUCHA: Purity.
SAVIKALPA: Lower Samadhi with the triad of meditator, meditation and meditated.
SAWALYA: KRISHNA the swarthy one.
SESHADRI: Name of a sage.
SHABDA: Sound.
SHAMS TABRIEZ: Name of a Sufi sage.
SHATCHAKRAS: The six Chakras or nerve: plexuses through which Kundalini passes.
SHENAI: a musical instrument, Indian Clarion
SHILDI: Place of pure knowledge.  The original archaic name 'Shildhi' has now changed to SHIRDI because it is the sugar-cane growing region.  'SHIRDI' is also symbolic of the nectar-like sweetness savoured there by the devotees, which is unique amongst all the holy places of India.
SHYAMA: Lord Krishna.
SIDDHANTA: Established tenet of doctrine.
SIDDHA-Perfected Yogi.
SIDDHASANA: A pose for meditation.
SIDDHI-Perfection, psychic powers.
SIKSHASTAKA: eight instructive prayers written by Lord CHAITANYA MAHAPRABHU.
SINDHU: the river forming the western boundary of India.
SIRSHASANA: Topsy-turvy pose of Hatha Yoga.
SITA: The devoted wife of Lord Rama.
SITALI: A breathing exercise with cooling effect.
SIVA: Lord Siva - bestower of auspiciousness on His devotees, the demigod who supervises the material quality of ignorance and the final destruction of the material cosmos.
SIVARATRI: A Hindu festival dedicated to Lord Siva.
SKANDHA: Chapter.
SLOKA: Verse, a unit of Sanskrit verse.
SMRITI: literature supplementary to the four VEDAS, such as the PURANAS, BHAGAVAD-GITA and MAHABHARATA.
SOHAM: "I am That."
SOKA: Sorrow.
SPARSA: Touch.
SPHATIKA: Crystal.
SPHURANA: Rising (of thought).
SRADDHA: Faith, the faith necessary to hear submissively from a proper authority.
SRAVANA: Hearing.
SRI: Auspiciousness-a name is qualified by putting "Sri" before it as a mark of courtesy and auspiciousness.
SRI, SRILA, SRIMATI, SRIPADA: titles.  see specific names following title. 
SRIMAD-BHAGAVATAM (BHAGAVA PURANA): VYASADEVA's "spotless PURANA" which deals exclusively with pure devotional service to the Supreme Lord.
SRINIVASA ACHARYA: a great VAISHNAVA spiritual master and a direct follower of RUPA, SANATANA, and KIVA GOSVAMI.
SRISHTI: Creation.
SRIVASA THAKURA: a principal associate of Lord CHAITANYA MAHAPRABHU.
SRUTI (S): Upanishads; revelations; Vedas, the original four VEDAS, the UPANISHADS, and the VEDANTA-SUTRA.
STABDHA: Stupefied state of mind.
STHIRATA-Firmness, steadiness.
STHITA: Established.
STHULA: Gross.
STYANA: Sloth; idleness; indisposition of the mind to work.
SUFI: A Mohammedan sect.
SUKA DEVA: Name of a sage.
SUKADEVA GOSVAMI: the sage who spoke SRIMAD BHAGAVATAM to King PARIKSHIT just prior to the king's death.
SUKHA: Bliss.
SUKHA: Happiness.
SUKSHMA: Fine, subtle, indivisible
SUKSHMA: Subtle.
SUSHUMNA: Nerve: current in spinal canal from Muladhara to crown of head
SUSHUMNA: The chief among astral tubes in the human body running inside the spinal column.
SUSHUMNA: The Yogic nerve through which Kundalini passes.
SUTRA: Aphorism.
SUTRATMA: Cosmic mind; the immanent Deity of the totality of the subtle bodies.
SVABHAVA: One's own nature due to impressions of the past actions.
SVADHISHTHANA: The second of the six Chakras according to Hatha Yoga.
SVADHYAYA-Study of religious books, scriptures.
SVAHA: Word uttered while offering an oblation; offering to God; exclamation used in offerings
SVAJATIYA: The idea of one's own essential nature.
SVAMI: one who has by spiritual strength become the master of his senses.
SVAPNA: Dream.
SVARUPA: Essence; the essential nature of Brahman.
SVARUPA: Essential nature; Reality.
SVASTIKA: A Hatha Yogic pose for meditation.
SVAYAMJYOTIS: Self-light; Atman.
TADAKARA; TADRUPA: Identification.
TADBODHA: Knowledge of the nature of Brahman.
TAILADHARAVAT: Like continuous flow of oil.
TAMAS: Darkness, inertia, dullness
TAMAS: One of the three qualities of nature which generates inertia, laziness, dullness and infatuation, the material mode of ignorance, characterized by ignorance, lethargy and madness.
TAMAS; TAMO-GUNA: One of the three qualities of nature which generates inertia, laziness, dullness and infatuation.
TAMAS-Inertia, darkness.
TANDRI: Drowsiness
TANDRI: Drowsiness; half sleep state.
TANMATRA: Rudimentary elements.
TANMATRA: Subtle, undifferentiated root elements of matter.
TANMAYA (TA): State of absorption.
TANTRIKA: Belonging to Tantra which is a path of Sadhana laying great stress upon repetition of Mantra and other esoteric meditations.
TANUMANASI: Thread-like state of mind.
TAPANIYA: Name of an Upanishad.
TAPAS: Austerity.
TAPASCHARYA: Practice of austerity.
TAPASCHARYA: Practice of austerity.
TAPASYA: austerity, material inconvenience accepted in the pursuit of spiritual realization.
TARKA-SANGRAHA: A book of logic.
TARKIKA: Logician.
TAT TVAM ASI: "Thou art That"-a great sentence.
TATTVA: Essence; principle.
TEACHINGS OF LORD CHAITANYA: a summary study by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada of the book CHAITANYA-CHARITAMRTA
TEHSILDAR: Revenue officer.
TEJAS: Spiritual aura.
TEJOMAYA: Full of light; resplendent.
TEVARAM: Songs of the South Indian mystics.
THALIS: Round platters filled with puja (pooja) items
TILAKA: A mark on the forehead.
TIRASKARA: Disrespect; insult.
TITIKSHA: Endurance; bearing with equanimity heat and cold, pleasure and pain, etc.
TIVRA: Intense; keen; sharp.
TRATAKA: Steady gazing.
TRIKUTI: The space between the two eyebrows.
TRIKUTI-The space between the eyebrows.
TRIPHALA: An Ayurvedic medicine.
TRIPTI: Satisfaction.
TRIPURA SAMHARA: Destruction of demons Tripuras by Lord Siva.
TRIPUTI: The triad-seer, sight and seen.
TRISHNA: Thirsting for objects; craving after sense-objects, Sense-hankering
TRIVENI: The place where the three holy rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Sarasvati meet.
TUKARAM: A saint.
TULASI: Holy Basil plant.
TULASIDAS: The saint author of the Hindi Ramayana (Ramcharitmanas).
TURIYA: The state of superconsciousness, the fourth state transcending the waking, dreaming and deep sleep states.
TUSHNIM: Neutral state of mind, which is an obstacle in meditation.
TUSHTI: Contentment.
TYAGA: Renunciation (of egoism, desires and the world).
UDANA: Vital force near the throat
UDDALAKA: A great Rishi (sage) of yore.
UDDHAVA: A friend and great devotee of Lord Krishna.
UDDIYANA-BANDHA: A Hatha Yogic exercise.
UMA: Lord Siva's Consort.
UPADESA: Spiritual advice, Instruction.
UPADHI: Limiting adjunct.
UPANISHAD: Revelation; text dealing with Ultimate Truth and Its Realisation.
UPANISHAD: Vedantic scriptures, end of Vedas
UPANISHADS: Revelation; text dealing with Ultimate Truth and Its Realization, the philosophical division of the VEDAS, meant for bringing the student closer to understanding the personal nature of the Absolute Truth.
UPARATI: Satiety in the enjoyment of sense-objects.
UPASANA VAKYA: A sentence for meditation.
UPASYA: Object of devout meditation.
UPEKSHA: Indifference.
URDHVARETO: Yogi: A Yogi whose energies have been sublimated into spiritual power
USHA-PANA: Drinking water in the morning as soon as one gets up after cleaning the teeth. This is Hatha Yogic treatment for constipation.
UTSAHA: Cheerfulness, enthusiasm
UTSAHA: Enthusiasm.
UTTARAKASI: A place in the Himalayas.
VAGRANT: Ideas are splashing like waves in the sea.
VAIKHARI: Articulate form of sound.
VAIKUNTHA: The abode of Lord Vishnu, the eternal, spiritual world beyond the material cosmos.
VAIRAGYA: Dispassion.
VAIRAGYA: Indifference, disgust for worldly things and en joyments
VAISHANA: a devotee of KRISHNA, or of any other form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
VAJRA: Firmness, thunderbolt
VAJRASANA: A Hatha Yogic pose.
VAK: Speech.
VAK-INDRIYA: The organ of speech.
VAKYA: Sentence.
VALLABHA: The Lord; Master.
VALMIKI: The holy sage and author of the Sanskrit, the author of the original RAMAYANA, the epic of Lord RAMACHANDRA's pastimes.
VANDANA: Adoration; worship.
VARADANDA: The staff of blessings.
VARNAS: the four social-occupational divisions of VEDIC society: brahmanas (priests, teachers and intellectuals),ksatriyas (military men and public administrators), vaisyas (farmers and businessmen), and sudras (laborers and craftsmen).  See also VARNASRAMA-DHARMA. 
VARNA-SANKARA: children who are the result of sex not in accordance with Vedic religious principles.
VARNASHRAMA-DHARMA: the ancient VEDIC system of arranging society into four social-occupational divisions (VARNAS) and four spiritual divisions (ASRAMAS) to promote social, economic, and political well-being and the spiritual advancement of all members of society.
VARUNA: the demigod in charge of bodies of water.
VASANA: Subtle desire
VASANA-Impulse, subtle form of desire.
VASANA-KSHYA: Desireless.
VASANAS: Subtle desires.
VASTU: Article, Reality.
VASUDEVA: the father of Lord KRISHNA.
VASUDEVA: a name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead as the Supreme Lord of all spiritual and material worlds.
VAYU: Wind, vital air, Prana
VEDANTA: The school of Hindu thoughts (based primarily on the Upanishads).
VEDANTA-SUTRA (VEDANTA): VYASADEVA's summary of the theistic philosophy of the VEDIC LITERATURE, written in the form of concise codes.
VEDANTINS: Those who follow the path of Vedanta.
VEDAS: The highest authority among the Aryans of India.
VEDAS: The most ancient authentic scripture of the Hindus, a revealed scripture and therefore free from imperfections.The four scriptures Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva, and in a broader sense also including the UPANISHADS and VEDANTA-SUTRA.
VEDIC: pertaining to a culture in which all aspects of human life are under the guidance of the VEDAS.
VEDIC LITERATURE: the four VEDAS, the UPANISHADS, VEDANTA SUTRA, PURANAS, MAHABHARATA, and other histories and supplements, and also more recent works written in pursuance of the VEDIC conclusion.
VEERYA: Seminal energy.
VETTA: Knower.
VICHARA: Enquiry into the nature of the Self, Truth, Absolute, Brahman.
VICHARA-SAGARA: Book treating with Vedanta philosophy.
VIGHNA: Obstacle.
VIGRAHA: Attack.
VIJATIYA: Relating to not-Self; thoughts of worldly objects.
VIKARA: Passionate excitement.
VIKARNA: a warrior who fought against the PANDAVAS in the Battle of KURUKSHETRA.
VIKSHEPA: The tossing of mind.
VIKSHIPTA: Scattered; gathering mind.
VIMARSA: Dissatisfaction; displeasure.
VINA: A musical instrument.
VIPARITA: Contrary.
VIRASANA: A Hatha Yogic pose.
VIRAT: Macrocosm; Lord in His form as the manifested universe.
VIRYA: Seminal fluid, Seminal energy
VISHAYA: Sense-objects.
VISHNU: Lord Vishnu-the preserver and sustainer, a name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead as the creator and maintainer of the material universes.
VISRANTI: Resting.
VISUDDHA: Laryngeal plexus
VISVANATHA CHAKRAVARTI THAKURA: a VAISHNAVA spiritual master and commentator on SRIMAD-BHAGAVATAM in the disciplic succession from Lord CHAITANYA MAHAPRABHU.
VISVARUPA: Cosmic form.
VIVARTA: Illusory appearance; apparent change.
VIVEKA: Discrimination.
VIVEKACHUDAMANI: A Vedantic book, the best-known work of SANKARACHARYA, in which he presents his philosophy of monism.
VIVEKA-Discrimination between the real and the unreal.
VRINDAVANA: Lord KRISHNA's most intimate and personal abode, where He engages in loving pastimes with His devotees.
VRITTI: A wave in the mind-lake.
VRITTI: Thought-wave; mental modification.
VRITTINIRODHA: Control of thought-waves.
VYANA: All: pervading Prana
VYASADEVA: the original compiler of the VEDAS and PURANAS and author of VEDANTA-SUTRA and MAHABHARATA.
VYASA-PUJA: the appearance day of the spiritual master, on which he is honored as the representative  of VYASADEVA and the direct representative of the Supreme Lord.
VYAVAHARA: Worldly activity; phenomenal, relative world
YAAMA: A period of three hours
YAJNA: Sacrifice
YAJNAVALKYA: A great sage of yore.
YAJUS: Yajur-Veda.
YAMA: First step in Raja Yoga; Eternal vows - non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, etc.
YAMARAJA: the demigod in charge of punishing the sinful after death, and who is also recognized as one of the chief authorities on devotional service to Lord KRISHNA. 
YASODA: the foster-mother of Lord KRISHNA, and the wife of NANDA MAHARAJA.
YATI: An ascetic or a Sannyasi or a monk.
YATRA: Pilgrimage
YAVANA: a barbarian
YOGA BHRASHTA: One who has fallen from the high state of Yoga in his previous birth.
YOGA: Union; union with the Supreme Being - any course that makes for such union, various processes of spiritual realization, all ultimately meant for attaining the Supreme.
YOGARUDHA: One who is established in Yoga.
YOGAVASISHTHA: A monumental work on Vedanta.
YOGI (N): One who practices Yoga; one who is established in Yoga, one who is striving in one of the YOGA processes.
YOGINDRA: Lord of Yogis.
YONI MUDRA: A Hatha Yogic exercise.
YONI: Source.
YUDHISHTHIRA: The eldest of the Pandavas-Arjuna's brother. Lord KRISHNA established him as king after the Battle of KURUKSHETRA.
YUKTI-Common-sense, logic.
ZAMINDAR: A rich landlord.
ZEND AVESTA: The holy scripture of the Persians.

The science of self-realization by Swami Prabhupada
Sri Sadguru Sainatha Sagunopasana prepared by Shri K.J.Bhishma

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